Plant trees at Port Levy, with UC EnviroSoc

    Planting trees is a rewarding way to help improve the health of our soils and waterways and reduce climate change. Join UC EnviroSoc in planting trees at Port Levy this weekend!


    Planting trees is a simple but important way we can all improve the environment.

    Tree roots help stabilise the soil while their leaves break up the rain before it hits the ground, reducing erosion. This means less sediment ends up in our waterways, so there’s more light for algae to photosynthesise and fish won’t suffocate from clogged gills. It is especially important to plant trees in places like Port Levy on the Banks Peninsula, where the hills are steep and mostly grassland as erosion tends to be worse there.

    Because the canopy of trees has a greater surface area than that of a grassland, there’s a greater interaction with the air flowing over it. This encourages water to move from the tree’s leaves into the atmosphere, which then rises and condenses into rain. The process of evaporating water off the leaves also absorbs energy from the sun, helping to cool the surrounding area. Therefore, planting more trees helps regulate the Earth’s climate by both cooling its surface and encouraging more rainfall.

    Planting native vegetation is also a great way to increase the food supply and habitat for our native species.

    EnviroSoc is working with ECan and the Banks Peninsula Water Zone Committee to organise a tree planting day on 7th September at Port Levy. Transport will be organised so all you need to do is meet outside The Foundry at 8:00 am with appropriate footwear, a sunhat, water and a willingness to make a positive difference. If this sounds like something you want to be part of, please email us at to register your interest!

    EnviroSoc is one of UC’s newest student Clubs, aiming to provide an opportunity for mentoring, peer support and tutorials for students. This is also an opportunity for students to gain awareness and relevant practical experience while helping local communities with environmental issues and volunteer work. Future events include community planting, stream clean-ups, biodiversity data collection and seminars.
    Follow them on Facebook here.