Complete Water Outage for Tupuānuku and Ilam Apartments 8pm – 12am Tuesday 18 February 

There will be a complete water outage affecting Homestead Lane for four (4) hours between 8pm on Tuesday 18 February and 12am Wednesday 19 February.

This is to enable Facilities Management Contractors, Southbase and Ryan Contracting, to undertake work on the new water main that will support the new Tupuārangi student hall.

 This outage will affect (RE35-RE56) Ilam Apartments and (RE50) Tupuānuku (highlighted yellow on the inset drawing).

Please remain aware of the planned outage and take care if moving around the works during darkness.

If you are located in Tupuānuku or Ilam Apartments, please prepare for a four-hour water outage by ensuring you have drinking water available including in water bottles or jugs. Shower before or after the outage.

Do not turn taps on in the building during the outage. If you do, please remember to turn off immediately to avoid flooding.

Direct all enquiries to fmassist@canterbury.AC.NZ

Thank you for your consideration as we complete this development and construction works.

Facilities Management


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