Facilities Management advise that there will be further Water Outages for the Psychology/Sociology, Ann Ballin, Jane Soons, and Jack Erskine buildings, scheduled to take place between 8am and 4pm this Saturday 15 March.
Contractors will be completing follow up repairs to the building backflow devices as identified during the recent inspections. These inspections and repairs are required as part of the building warrant of fitness (BWOF) requirements.
This will mean that there will be a total water shutdown, for up to four hours, affecting all toilets and tearooms during the timeframes specified below:
8am -12 Midday
(SC21) Jack Erskine
Alternative toilets can be found in the West building (SC02).
12 Midday- 4pm
(AR12) Psychology and Sociology
(AR08) Anne Ballin
(AR06) Jane Soons
Please follow all signage, use alternative tearoom and restroom facilities, and ensure that you have jugged or bottled water on site during the outage.
Please direct any enquiries to fmassist@canterbury.ac.nz
Thank you for your patience as we perform this required maintenance and compliance work.
Facilities Management