Tag Archives: Accessibility

Deadline for Exam Special Arrangements

Do you have ADHD, Specific Learning Difficulties, neurodiversity, medical or mental health conditions that impact your exams?

Would any of the following be helpful to remove these barriers?

  • Extra time
  • A room with few or no other students
  • Ability to take medication into exams
  • Use of a PC / Mac
  • A reader/writer

Te Ratonga Whaikaha | Student Accessibility Service can organise those, and many other exam alterations, to students with

In order to receive Special Arrangements for the Exams at the end of Semester 2, you must register with TRW|SAS by Friday, October 11th.

If you are already registered, this is also the final date to add or change your arrangements.

You are welcome to visit our website, where you can find information about what we do and the support that we may be able to offer while you study here at UC.

You can also book an appointment online to speak with one of our Accessibility Advisors, where we can discuss your specific needs.

This deadline does not apply for unexpected temporary impairments (i.e. injuries).

Ngā mihi,

The TRW | SAS team