Planned Power Outage for Music Main Building

Facilities Management advise that there will be a planned power outage between 6am and 2 pm on Saturday 24 August in the following buildings:

  • MU01 Music Main Building
  • MU02 Music Outbuilding

This is a complete power outage to enable the installation of Power Metering. All power to mechanical plant and other systems will be shut down during these works.

What do you need to do?

FM recommend that people in the affected buildings:

  • Turn off IT equipment at the CoB Friday 23 August, or prior to the outage (6am), in preparation for this power shutdown.
  • Ensure any equipment UPS is operating correctly.
  • Make arrangement to, or plan to shut down and reset any specialist equipment.
  • If equipment is alarmed this will need to be reset.

We have planned this outage for a Saturday to minimise disruption, and we thank you for your consideration as we undertake these required electrical works.

Please direct any enquiries to

Ngā mihi,

The Facilities Management Team




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