All posts by Claire Milne

Roof Works Waimairi Building 4 March – 28 March.

Roof Works Waimairi Building 4 March – 28 March.

Facilities Management Contractors will be undertaking roof repairs to the Waimairi Building (ED04) between 7am Tuesday 4 March and 5pm Friday 28 March. We expect this work to take approximately three (3) weeks.

Contractors will be working on the roof itself and also from a cherry picker that will be moving around the outside of the building. We can expect some noise from these works; however, we don’t anticipate this to be excessively loud.

Please remain alert for machinery movement around the Waimairi building and be aware of all construction work in progress. Follow all contractor signage and do not enter any construction areas or go behind fenced or coned off areas.

Please direct any enquiries to

Thank you for your consideration as we work through these building maintenance and upgrade works.

Facilities Management

Outage – Psychology/ Sociology Lift Currently out of Service – Friday 28 February

Facilities Management advise that an unplanned outage is affecting the lift in Psychology /Sociology (AR12) building. This means this lift is currently out of service.

Schindler Lift technicians are currently working to identify  and rectify the fault.

Dependant on identification of the issue and rectification of the fault, we hope to have the lift back in service today. However, please be prepared for the lift to be out of service longer  if identification and rectification of the issue is more complex.

What do you need to do?

  • Use an alternative lift in and adjacent building- either Jane Soons or Ann Ballin.
  • Use the stairs.
  • Please follow usual evacuation proceduresin the event of an emergency.

Direct any enquiries to

Thank you for your patience as we rectify this unplanned lift outage.

Facilities Management

Temporary Closure Jack Erskine Carpark Saturday 1 March – Sunday 2 March

The Jack Erskine Carpark, located on the corner of Science Road and Engineering Road, and the pedestrian walkway adjacent to the Facilities Management (FM) Office Block, will be temporarily closed between 7am and 3pm this weekend Saturday 1 March and Sunday 2 March.

This closure will be in place for the protection of vehicles while contractors complete spray painting of the FM Office Block roof as part of the planned FM Building maintenance works.

Please ensure that any vehicles parked in the carpark prior to 7am Saturday 1 March and between 3pm Saturday 1 March and 7am Sunday 2 March are moved before the carpark is closed at 7am each day for the start of works and find alternative parking during carpark closure times.

Do not use the pedestrian walkway located between the Facilities Management Office Block and the Jack Erskine Carpark while painting works are in progress.

These works are weather dependant.

Direct all enquiries to  or during weekend hours.

Thank you for your consideration as we complete these required maintenance works.

Facilities Management.