All posts by Claire Milne

Ōtākaro Tree Trimming and Roof Replacement

Facilities Management advise that tree canopy trimming, and roof replacement works are being undertaken on the Ōtākaro building starting Wednesday 18 September.

The tree canopy trimming works will be undertaken on Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19 September and the roof replacement works will commence on 7 October. The building will be wrapped for weather protection as the roof cladding will be removed and reinstated as part of the works.

Buildings either directly or indirectly affected include:

  • Ōtākaro (ED03)
  • Waimairi (ED04)
  • Henry Field Library (ED08)

Please do not enter the fenced areas other than via the entry points noted in green on the map and be aware of moving and noisy machinery in the works area.

Please direct any enquiries to

Thank you for your consideration as we complete these works.

Ngā mihi

The Facilities Management Team

Update #2 Ilam Wastewater Works – Temporary Access to University Drive

Extension to estimated completion date for University Drive closure.

The estimated re-opening of University Drive has been extended from 30 September until 30 November.

How this could affect you:

2 Sept- 30 November 2024

  • University Drive will be closed from Fine Arts Lane to Clyde Road.
  • A two-lane diversion will be in place on Clyde Road.
  • No entry to Clyde Road at Creyke Road
  • Exit will be allowed from Clyde Road toward Memorial Ave; Clyde Road left to Creyke Road (one way) and right into Kotare St.
  • Expect reduced on street parking.

In response to previous questions raised we can confirm:

  • Pedestrian and cycle access into University Drive remains open and you can enter and exit the university on foot or by cycle.
  • This just may be from a very slightly different place to what you are used to.
  • You can also enter or exit by vehicle, but only via Fine Arts Lane while University Drive is closed.
  • The footpath management is designed to navigate the works at University Drive / Clyde Rd (university side). The footpath needs to be closed at this location.
  • On the opposite side of the road (Hinau Street side) the footpath remains open.
  • The pedestrian signage on this side details how to safely navigate the works area.


  • The signage on site should all be directing pedestrians / cyclists to use a temporary crossing point on Clyde Rd outside #60 Clyde Rd.
  • Depending on which way you are approaching the area, you may need to walk or cycle up or down Clyde Road until you reach the safe crossing zone outside #60 Clyde Road.

If there is anything that you want to know about the project visit

Please direct any enquiries to

Thank you for your consideration over the duration of this works programme.

Ngā mihi

The Facilities Management Team

Door Upgrade Haere-Roa

There will be a door outage in the Haere-Roa building between Monday 9 September and Thursday 26 September, while Facilities Management contractors upgrade the existing double doors at the eastern end of the Haere-Roa building (off University Drive) with automatic sliding doors. This will improve building accessibility.

The works will occur in two phases:

Phase 1

Start Date: 9/09/2024

Finish Date: 12/09/2024

Phase 2

Start Date: 23/09/2024

Finish Date: 26/09/2024

While the work is being completed technicians and tradespersons will be working from 7.30am to 5pm weekdays and building users will not be able to use the doors to the eastern end of the building for entry / exit of the building.

Use one of the alternate entry and exit points shown on the attached plan, and follow usual evacuation procedures in the event of an emergency.

After 5pm please enter the building through the main entrance.

Please direct any enquiries to

Thank you for your consideration as we undertake these upgrade works.

Ngā mihi

Facilities Management