Category Archives: Behaviour and Responsibilities

Resolved / P1 Email sending issue

8.25pm Friday 1 March 2024

Issue resolved.

Testing and confirmation of LEARN and other key UC systems emails have been delivered successfully.

4.00pm Friday 1 March 2024  

Along with LEARN, further systems unable to send emails and being impacted are; 

  • Scan-to-me (preventing scanning to email)  
  • Medtech Gateway (preventing emailing of pharmacy scripts from Health Centre) 

We will keep you updated.  

12.15pm Friday 1 March 2024  

A number of UC Systems including LEARN are currently unable to send emails.  

Digital Services are working to resolve the issue.  


Space audit inside classrooms

A space audit will be taking place on weekdays between Monday 11 March until Friday 22 March between 9.00am – 5.30pm.

This means surveyors wearing hi-vis vests with ‘Facilities Management’ on the back will be entering UC’s working, learning and common spaces to perform a head count – this includes your classrooms.

They will not be taking any photos nor requiring students’ names, this is simply a counting exercise. The team will try to minimise disruption as much as possible.

If you have any queries please contact

Get it sorted ♻

From 1 February 2024, new national standards to kerbside bin collections are in place, which means a consistent approach to how we sort recycling, organics and rubbish across Aotearoa New Zealand.

The new national standards have bought about some changes to what is accepted in what bin on UC campus.

Some of the key changes include:

  • Pizza boxes now go into recycling (not organics)
  • Tea bags now go into landfill (not organics)
  • Soiled paper and dirty napkins now go into landfill
  • All types of takeaway packaging (whether marked ‘compostable’ or not) must go into landfill. This includes coffee cups.

All staff and students can make a difference by sorting their waste correctly to minimise the contamination of our waste streams.

For example, it is extremely important that all food, food scraps and organic material are placed in the green organics bin, and not in the red landfill bins.

Want to reduce your waste to landfill? Same! Keep an eye out on here and on our social media for some inspiration for how you can get creative, save some money, and have fun while reducing your waste footprint at the same time.

Learn more about waste management and minimisation at UC here.