Category Archives: Community notice

Drone and Survey Roof Assessments

Facilities Management have engaged WT Consultants, a building survey consultancy company, to undertake roof condition assessments within the Ilam campus from 4 September to 20 September.

The assessments will include a drone survey (flyover) and physical survey (walkover) by a surveyor on the following roofs:

Arts North Lecture Theatre (AR04)

Alice Candy (AR11)

University Bookshop (SS31)

Puaka-James Hight (AS01)

Jack Erskine (SC21)

Psychology (AR12)

ICT (AS11)

The purpose of the assessments will be to develop a roof replacement programme based on the criticality of the roof conditions. If you regularly visit or work in these buildings, please be aware of the roof survey works happening.

If you have any questions, please contact

Thank you for your patience as we undertake these assessments.

Ngā mihi,

Facilities Management

Tree Removal- Connon Hall

After discussion with the UniLodge Manager, a dying Acer negundo (Ash leafed maple) located in the courtyard between Connon and Alpers Hall needs to be removed due to concerns over its condition.

The works will be undertaken by the Facilities Management Grounds Team on Thursday 5 September.

Please take note of the sectioned off works area and be aware of noisy machinery being used.

Facilities Management have adopted a two for one replacement policy to compensate for the loss of a tree. As the courtyard area is due for an upgrade in 2025, decisions on replacement planting will be part of those upgrade works.

Any enquiries should be directed to

Thank you for your consideration as we undertake these required tree removal works.

Puaka-James Hight lifts out of service – western end

The western lifts, closest to the Library main entrance in Puaka-James Hight, will be out of service for three weeks from 8am Monday 2 September until 5pm Wednesday 18 September to allow contractors to undertake a planned upgrade.

The western lifts are next to the western stairs, the women’s bathroom, and adjacent to the level 2 library reception. See image below.





During this time, please use the alternative three lifts or stairwell and follow usual evacuation procedures in the event of an emergency.

Please direct any enquiries to

Thank you for your patience as we undertake these required upgrade works.

Ngā mihi,

The Facilities Management Team