Category Archives: The Community

Recognising Pink Shirt Day

Pink Shirt Day! All students and staff are encouraged to wear pink and join the global movement that celebrates diversity, promotes positive relationships and takes a stand against bullying. 

Here in Aotearoa New Zealand the Pink Shirt Day campaign is run by the Mental Health Foundation. Celebrated annually, the campaign is all about creating schools, workplaces and communities where all people feel safe, valued and respected.   

How you can get involved at UC on Pink Shirt Day: 

  • Wear pink to show your support and raise awareness about bullying. 
  • Start conversations with your family, friends and colleagues about bullying and ways to create a more supportive and inclusive culture. 
  • Take action and be an upstander if you see or hear bullying happening, using your words or actions to help the person being bullied. 
  • Spread the word about Pink Shirt Day on your social media and personal networks, sharing stories about how bullying has affected you or someone you know, and tagging us @ucwellbeing on Instagram or emailing your photos to 

Events include: 

  • May 13-17 Positivity Wall, Puaka-James Hight Central Library & The Living Room 
  • May 13-17 Wear Pink to the Rec Centre to go into the draw T&C’s apply 
  • May 14               T-shirt Making Workshop, Te Rua Makerspace, PJH 10am-12pm 
  • May 15               Connect Zone, The Living Room 12-2pm 
  • May 16               Toastie Thursday, The Living Room 12-2pm 
  • May 17               Photobooth & Giveaways, The Living Room 11-2pm 

For more information on what is available click here. 

Follow UC and UCSA for event updates:   

If you would like to talk to someone about this topic or anything else contact the teams below: 

Heating on Ilam Campus

The heating supplied to buildings across the Ilam Campus is currently impacted by technical issues. Our boilers are still operating however in a reduced capacity, meaning some areas of the University may not have sufficient heating. The team is working on solutions to restore heating to normal levels.

Usual levels of heating should gradually return to the campus by the end of the day. The heating will remain on overnight to ensure it is maintained tomorrow.

We apologise for the inconvenience caused.

Keith Lilley
Director of Facilities Management

Lived Experience Advisory for Disability (LEAD) group 2024

Do you have lived experience of disability? If so, we would love to hear your thoughts?

Come and be a part of the Lived Experience Advisory for Disability (LEAD) group for 2024.

What is Lived Experience Advisory for Disability (LEAD) group?

The LEAD group provides a space for student voice, with the goal of improving the experience of disabled ākonga (students) at UC.

Disability at UC includes learning difficulties, physical disabilities, chronic health conditions, mental health conditions, vision impairments, neurodiversity, and d/Deaf learners. If you identify with any of these experiences, we would love you to join us.

While we are grateful for our non-disabled allies, this group is a space for students with personal lived experience of disability. You are welcome to bring a support person with you, though voice will be given to those with lived experience.

Meetings and events will happen throughout the academic year. You can also participate remotely through email, online forums, and zoom.

How can I participate:

  1. Attend one of the meetings
  •               In-person meeting: Tuesday May 14th 12pm-1pm in The        Living Room (the room next door to the University Bookshop),


  •           Online/Zoom meeting: Wednesday May 15th 4pm-5pm (We will send you a link for this meeting when you let us know you are coming).

2. If you can’t attend a meeting (for any reason), we would love to hear from you.

Email us. We can provide a summary of the meeting(s), materials, and forums for you to share your thoughts and experiences. We can also let you know about future meetings and events.

All options will cover the same material and provide opportunities to share your thoughts. Please choose what works best for you.

If you are willing to participate (even if you attended last year), please email: and tell us:

  • Your Name
  • What session you want to attend (in-person or via ZOOM). This helps us know how many people to expect and a zoom link will be emailed to those attending the online meeting.
  • Any accommodations or things we could do to support your safety, comfort, and full participation in the group.
  • If you are attending our in-person meeting, any dietary requirements we need to know about.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Ngā mihi, 
Haley Nielsen, Disability Action Plan Lead