Category Archives: Wellbeing

Calling all adult students!

Come and join your peers for kai & kōrero! 🍴
Hosted by UCSA & UC Wellbeing, this is your chance to connect, chat, and enjoy a snack on us. Don’t miss out on good vibes and great company!

We hope to see you there!

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This year UC has partnered with Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora to provide FREE Meningococcal vaccinations for students intending or already in halls accommodation.

UC strongly recommends the vaccination of all students.
Young people are particularly vulnerable to Meningococcal Disease and its potentially devastating effects, including Meningitis and Septicaemia, which strike fast and can be deadly. Long-term effects can include limb amputation, hearing loss, brain injury and permanent skin scarring if not diagnosed and treated in time. Diagnosis can be difficult as symptoms can often mimic those of the common cold.

Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora vaccination drop-in clinic will be located in Bentleys (located in Haere-roa, above the Foundry) between 10am – 2pm on Thursday 1 August.

The clinic will also offer free HPV (for anyone aged 26 and under) and MMR immunisations. These vaccinations are now in the childhood immunisation schedule, but you may have missed out on them. Check your online health portal or ask your GP if you’re not sure.

If you have any questions you can chat to the Health New Zealand team on the day.

Wishing you all the best, 

UC Wellbeing 

Think First – Winter Wellness

Winter can be tough. It’s cold, the days are short, and it can be hard to motivate yourself to stay active. Sometimes you just want to eat some comfort food, curl up on the sofa and watch Netflix. However you’re feeling, here are a few ways to help get you through the winter staying healthy and well. 

Schedule down time and get plenty of sleep  

Lack of sleep combined with too much stress makes you more susceptible to illnesses. Getting a good night’s sleep helps your body recover and fend off infection, while time spent relaxing and doing activities you enjoy will help you feel less stressed. If you feel overwhelmed with study, try planning your week ahead and include time for leisure. Visit our support and wellbeing pages to see what support UC can offer. 


Although the cold weather and short days can decrease your motivation, exercise actually helps to build your immune system. Get out into the winter sunshine and breathe in some fresh air. Even a short walk around the block is helpful. Check out the UC RecCentre and see what’s on offer at UC Sport.  

Eat a balanced diet  

In the winter, it is tempting to rely on comfort foods, but it is important to stock up on plenty of fruit and vegetables to give your immune system the fuel and nutrients it needs to thrive. Fresh produce is pricier in the winter, which can be difficult on a student budget, so buy in-season specials. Frozen or canned fruits and vegetables are more affordable while still offering the same health benefits.  

Open windows  

Living in a cold, damp flat can make you sick. Open windows and air out the house for a short time every day, especially when cooking or showering. This will decrease dampness and mould, and make the house easier to heat.  

Stay home if you’re sick  

If you’re feeling unwell the best thing to do is stay at home. Going to that party this weekend might be tempting, but you could pass the virus to your friends and whānau. Stay home, and make sure you and your mates are well enough to enjoy what winter has to offer. The UC Health Centre is here to help you stay healthy and well while you’re studying.