Temporary Traffic Management Engineering Road Monday 21 October

A temporary traffic management system will be in place on Engineering Road, between 0730am and 1130am on Monday 21 October, to enable Facilities Management to complete planned annual maintenance of the UC storm water network filtration system.

Traffic will be restricted to one lane, with controlled Stop/ Go points at either end.

Please watch for contractors, FM, and STMS people onsite and adhere to traffic management instructions.

Refer to the inset TMP (map) for the works and traffic management area.

Please direct any enquiries to fmassist@canterbury.ac.nz.

Thank you for your patience and consideration while we undertake this planned maintenance.

Facilities Maintenance

Jack Mann Crane Works and Access Restriction tomorrow 17 October

There will be a planned closure of the north entry into the Jack Mann building between 7am and 12 noon tomorrow Thursday 21 October. Contractors, working on the roof replacement for the Jack Mann (ED10) building, will be using a crane to lift the roof truss scaffold to the top of the building.

Please be aware of heavy machinery and crane movement on site.
Signage will be in place for duration of the closure directing staff and students to the south entrance doors.

Please direct any enquiries to fmassist@canterbury.ac.nz

 Thank you for your consideration as we undertake these required roof works.

Facilities Management

Extension to Temporary Access Closure Psychology and Sociology Corridor Level 1 to Monday 21 October.

 October and Saturday 12 October.

Please refer to inset diagram for the closure areas and alternative access routes.