Career Conversations with and for Women and Non-Binary

Me aro koe ki te hā o Hine-ahu-one | Pay heed to the dignity and power of women.

Those who identify as women or non-binary often experience unique challenges in their career journeys.  Join us for a panel discussion featuring three inspirational and diverse speakers who will share their unique career journeys.


Tue 23 Jul 2024, 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm

Rehua 226

This event, hosted by Te Rōpū Rapuara | Careers, aims to create a supportive and safe space for women and non-binary individuals. Gain valuable insights from our panelists to help you navigate your own career journey.

Read about last year’s panel discussion here.

Ngā mihi nui,

Te Rōpū Rapuara | UC Careers

Transition sessions for new international students this July

Welcome to UC! Are you a new international student joining us this semester? We’re excited to help you settle into life in New Zealand and at UC!

If you missed our International Welcome on July 14, don’t worry—you can still sign up for our late orientation here.

We’ve got a great line-up of sessions in the Transition Programme to help you get started:

  • Eight fun and informative sessions
  • Two social pizza nights
  • Meet & Greet for Muslim students (here)

Register for our engaging sessions here and discover:

  • UC Digital Literacy
  • Succeeding at UC
  • Interacting with Cultural Diversity
  • Māori Language and Songs
  • Chit-chat with Police Officers
  • Know Your Rights
  • Life in NZ
  • Navigating Your Career in NZ (for postgraduate students)

Plus, attend all the transition sessions, and you’ll receive a special prize from Global Engagement!

If you have any questions or need more information, don’t hesitate to email us at We’re here to support you!

Supercharge learning, boost success!

As a world-class university, we are committed to supporting you in your studies.

We would like to introduce some excellent technology tools that will enhance your learning experience at UC and help you develop your reading, comprehension, writing, revision, research, and overall study skills.


Reading, writing, comprehension and recall are vital to success, and Read&Write will provide you with key study tools to strengthen these skills.

You can use R&W with on-screen/digital text to

  • hear the text read aloud with text highlighting at the same time.
  • translate English into any language of your choice
  • take notes from your course readings
  • revise study material
  • research
  • check spelling, grammar and punctuation
  • complete assignments
  • take exams
  • and do much more.

Additionally, R&W extension on your preferred browser can help simplify webpages, explain difficult words, and translate text into the language of your choice.


Equatio is an equation editor and digital math tool that you can use to create mathematical and scientific content. It allows you to effortlessly write complex mathematical expressions, equations, and symbols.

It is a valuable tool that can help you to effectively communicate STEM concepts by simplifying the process of creating and sharing mathematical content in a digital format.

You can book your preferred information session by using this link. Spaces are limited and are offered on a first-come first-served basis.

Email for more information.