Aotearoa Bike Challenge Social Ride

The Aotearoa Bike Challenge officially kicks into gear on February 1st! Boost your wellbeing (and help us climb the leaderboard!) by joining fellow UC students and staff for a gentle lunch-hour ride to celebrate the start of the challenge. Don’t forget to log your ride on the Love to Ride website or via Strava so your kms count!

🚲 Meet out front of the University Bookshop (by the new Locky Dock Stand) at 12pm on February 1st 🚲

The ride will be a gentle meander along the Uni-Cycle, which will take us through the beautiful Riccarton Bush, around part of Hagley Park, and back to campus.

All levels of riders are welcome, but you must be able to safely ride a bike in order to participate. Helmets are required.

Don’t have a bike? Borrow one for free from the UCSA!

This is the first year students are able to participate in the challenge alongside staff! Last year UC came second in Ōtautahi Christchurch and third overall in Aotearoa for our size category 🌟 With your help we can aim even higher!

Looking forward to seeing you out there 🚲🚲🚲

Tāroia | UC Global Exchange Programme

It’s not too late to think about going on exchange in Semester 2 2024!

The main application round for Semester 2 2024 UC Global Exchange applications was in September 2023. However, applications are still open for some partner universities.   For most of these universities you will need to apply to UC for selection no later than 18 February 2024 for a Semester 2 2024 exchange to allow time for the UC selection process prior to the partner university deadline. A few universities may have later deadlines – please check with the UC International Relationships office. Applications for exchanges in Semester 2 2024 will be actioned on a rolling basis as they come in. If there are limited places available at a particular partner university, places will be allocated to successful applicants on a “first come first served” basis. You are therefore advised to submit an application immediately for exchanges in Semester 2 2024.

Note that some of the partner universities are closed already and we have listed them on the UC Global Exchange website. As we process applications on a first-in-first-served basis, there may be other partner universities that will be closed on a rolling basis. If the universities that you are interested in are not listed on the website above, please contact us at to check on place availability and required timeframe before applying.

Note: whether we are able to accept late applications or not will be subject to availability of places and the required application timeframe or deadlines at UC and the partner universities you wish to apply for.

Image: Ellie Barrett, completed an Exchange to the University of Copenhagen.

What’s great about a UC Global Exchange?

  • Pay tuition fees to UC, get an international experience
  • Travel and see new places
  • Credits applied to your UC degree (subject to approvals from appropriate departments and Faculties)
  • Enhance your CV with demonstrable international engagement.

Tāroia | UC’s Global Exchange programme gives you the unique opportunity to study at one of UC’s partner universities worldwide, as part of your UC degree.

The great thing about UC Global Exchange is that you pay your tuition fees to UC and not the partner university, and you can choose to study at some amazing locations around the world, ranging from Denmark, France, to the UK, USA, Spain, Japan, and many more.
Note: UC Global Exchange programme is subject to UC Travel Policy, risk assessments and COVID-19 restrictions.

UC Global Exchange in 2025
If you are thinking of going on exchange in 2025, now is a good time to start doing some research. Note that some universities such as (but not limited to), University of British Columbia, Queen’s University (Arts and Science) have an early application deadline of 1 February 2024 for exchange applications for Semester 1 2025.

We will be running UC Global Exchange Information Seminars and Drop-in sessions in Semester 1 2024. Please check the website above at the beginning of the 2024 academic year for the schedule of these events and the application deadlines.

We look forward to receiving your UC Global Exchange application!

International Mobility Team
International Relationships Office
University of Canterbury

Phone: +64 (3) 369 3876

Tree removal works

Okeover Lawn, corner University Drive and Ilam Road

Multiple branch failures have been observed on a Maritime Pine tree, posing potential risks. The tree makes up part of a cluster of trees along the Ilam Road footpath and the diagonal path running from University Drive to Science Road.

A report from UC’s consultant arborist advocated for the removal of the entire group of 15 trees, to mitigate potential risks and ensure the safety of individuals using these paths:

  • Removing only the identified tree is not a feasible option due to the interconnected nature of the group;
  • These trees form a cohesive mass that mutually support each other, particularly in high wind events. The risk of further branch failures and an increased number of falling pinecones has risen potentially, posing a threat to safety;
  • The root structures of these trees have damaged the footpath, creating trip hazards under the asphalt.

Removal of the trees commenced earlier in the week, with remaining logs being removed by this coming Monday 22 January. In late March 2024 these trees will be replaced with dense planting of native trees Podocarpus Totara, Matai, Kahikatea and Plagianthus, extending the water way restoration enhancement plantings.


Dead Lime tree removal, Science Road/Engineering Road

The Grounds team have been monitoring the deteriorating condition of a significant Lime tree at the corner of Science Road and Engineering Road. The team, in collaboration with an arborist, determined that the tree is now deceased. Recognising the potential risks associated with dead trees, especially their susceptibility to decay, the decision has been made to remove it promptly to proactively minimise any risks to people or property.

An arborist has been scheduled to remove the tree tomorrow, Friday 19 January. The footpath along Science Road will be closed, and pedestrians redirected to ensure their safety.

Planting of replacement trees will take place in late March 2024. What they will be has yet to be decided.

Please contact if you have any further questions or concerns.