All posts by Claire Milne

Water Outages – Jack Erskine, Psychology/Sociology, Ann Ballin, Jane Soons Saturday 15 March

Facilities Management advise that there will be further Water Outages for the Psychology/Sociology, Ann Ballin, Jane Soons, and Jack Erskine buildings, scheduled to take place between 8am and 4pm this Saturday 15 March.

Contractors will be completing follow up repairs to the building backflow devices as identified during the recent inspections. These inspections and repairs are required as part of the building warrant of fitness (BWOF) requirements.

This will mean that there will be a total water shutdown, for up to four hours, affecting all toilets and tearooms during the timeframes specified below:

Affected Buildings

8am -12 Midday

(SC21) Jack Erskine

Alternative toilets can be found in the West building (SC02).

 12 Midday- 4pm

(AR12) Psychology and Sociology

(AR08) Anne Ballin

(AR06) Jane Soons

Please follow all signage, use alternative tearoom and restroom facilities, and ensure that you have jugged or bottled water on site during the outage.

Please direct any enquiries to

Thank you for your patience as we perform this required maintenance and compliance work.

Facilities Management

Water Outage – Arcady Hall Tuesday 11 March

There will be a brief, planned, water outage affecting Arcady house between 9am -10am today Tuesday 11 March, while Facilities Management contractors complete water connection works as part of the Tupuārangi construction project.

We are expecting this water shutdown to affect Arcady Hall only. Please ensure that you are aware of and prepared for this brief outage.

Direct any enquiries to

Thank you for your cooperation as we complete these required works.

Dovedale Crane Activity – Otakaro Access Outage Friday 7 March – Saturday 8 March

Facilities Management (FM) advise that there will be crane activity on the Dovedale Campus between 1pm Friday 7 March and 5pm Saturday 8 March for the removal of the scaffold roof truss off the Otakaro Building.

The crane will arrive on site via Solway Ave between 1-4pm on Friday 7 March and will set up within the crane compound ready for lifting on Saturday morning. All crane and truck movements will have spotters in place.

To complete these works safely the whole Otakaro building will be closed to staff, students, and visitors, from 7am to 5pm on Saturday 8th of March. Crane works will commence at 7am on Saturday morning following the building access closure.

Please be aware of truck and crane movement as the crane enters the site on Friday 7 March, and do not enter the works area, or the Otakaro building, between 7am and 5pm on Saturday 8 March. Follow all contractor signage.

Direct any enquiries to

Thank you for your continuing consideration for the contractors working on the Dovedale site.

Facilities Management.