What we’re looking at.
We explore the impact of organisational structures on career aspirations and investigate whether and how work-related values affect career planning and development. We also look at facets of intersectionality that might influence career progression.
Why engage in another survey?
Here’s why: There’s a lot of information out there on how to develop and progress in a career in the research space. Blog posts, self-help books, podcasts, mentoring and career programs all try to elaborate on how to build a career. A lot of those insights are focused on individuals: you want a career; you need to prepare and improve. And while that is part of the picture, when push comes to shove, we lack some insights into systems-level dynamics.
We’re wondering if there’s more to the story – and if there aren’t more opportunities at the system’s level that might make navigating a career easier – for those trying to climb the ladder and those trying to get on it in the first place. Our research project is set up to add an evidence-based understanding of how structures can support career development and progression. The survey considers individual-level practices and values embedded in organisational processes and cultures in higher education.
Behavioural science and NZ-based statistical evidence suggests changing the organisational structures around hiring and promotions are the most powerful “levers of change” at universities’ disposal to create a more equitable workplace. We’re hoping to explore this further. Our survey asks what factors shape researchers’ and general staff’s decisions to plan, structure, progress, or leave their careers. Ultimately, the survey is designed to identify measures that ensure needs- and opportunity-oriented personnel development.
We need to hear from you.
This study is conducted by Dr. Ann Brower, Dr. Alex James, Dr. Franca Buelow and Liam Gibson from the University of Canterbury ׀ Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha. This will take up to 25 minutes of your time, and you can pause and come back to the survey as you like. We’ll share our results as soon as they are ready. All data will be confidential and is stored on the University of Canterbury’s computer network in password-protected files. The project has been approved by the UC Human Research Ethics Committee.
Want to contribute to new insights?
Click below to share your response, read our information sheet, and contribute to an improved understanding of career development and planning.
Survey link universities https://canterbury.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2lb65wPq07EWhpk
Survey Link CRIs https://canterbury.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3QRYNmiwuGD0PnU