Micronutrients as a Treatment for Antenatal Depression: Results from “NUTRIMUM”, an RCT using vitamins and minerals to treat depressive symptoms during pregnancy

AI generated illustration of pregnant woman surrounded by vtitamins and nutrition
Dr Hayley Bradley   Researchers from Te Puna Toiora (Mental Health and Nutrition Research Lab) have published a new study investigating whether broad-spectrum micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) can improve symptoms of depression during pregnancy. Antenatal depression affects between 15-21% of pregnant women worldwide (1) and increases the risk pregnancy, birth, and neonatal complications as well as postnatal depression (2-4). It has...

Vitamins and Minerals as Treatment for Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression in Adults: The outcomes from the NoMAD trial (Nutrients for Mental Health, Anxiety and Depression)

A range of Fruit and Vegetables
Publication just out: Blampied, M., Tylianakis, J. M., Bell, C., Gilbert, C., & Rucklidge, J. J. (2023). Efficacy and safety of a vitamin-mineral intervention for symptoms of anxiety and depression in adults: A randomised placebo-controlled trial “NoMAD”. Journal of Affective Disorders, 339, 954-964. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2023.05.077

Micronutrients absorbed in the mouth reduce irritability and anger but not stress in university students

Image of fruit and vegetables
Written by: Nurina Katta Long-term stress can increase the risk of all kinds of adverse physical and mental health conditions, such as strokes, cardiovascular disease, emotional distress, anxiety, and depression. In addition, stress can lead to poorer lifestyle choices, including smoking, drinking, and overeating1-6. There are high rates of stress among university students7; however, only a small number of students receive...

Seeing Science photography competition

The UC Science photography competition provides a chance to share insights through the power of photography. Breath-taking, bewildering, thought-provoking, illuminating… We received a ton of amazing images across six categories: astronomy, behaviour, earth science and climatology, ecology and environmental science, microimaging, and people. Check out the finalists below! Astronomy Behaviour Earth Science and Climatology Ecology and Environmental Science Microimaging People

5 Simple Rules for Using Academic Freedom

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash. Boy opening book looking surprised
If you want to get an academic talking, just bring up the topic of academic freedom. We all have opinions about what it is, but almost none of us have ever researched it or thought for very long about why societies provide this liberty to a select few. Academic freedom is as old as the university. It arose in the...

High school students investigate the stars with UC Science

From the 18 – 23 April, 20 high school students from around New Zealand attended the Elaine P. Snowden (EPS) camp. Over the course of the week the students took part in a range of activities from experiencing life as a UC student through to star gazing at the University of Canterbury’s Mt John Observatory.

Translating science to the real world: Nutrition as a front-line form of treatment after a traumatic event

Disasters, both natural (e.g., earthquakes, floods) and human-made (e.g., terrorism, civil strife), affect communities worldwide, often causing immense disruption and suffering, and lasting psychological injuries. Living and working in Christchurch, Aotearoa New Zealand has meant we have had our fair share of traumas, but then also the opportunity to study the effect of nutrients on our resilience. For example, on February...

UC Geography busy over the “break”

A new weather sensor installed by Geography technician Nick Key at Broken River weather station will expand the data available from the station as it will not only provide most of the standard weather measurements of a traditional weather station, but it is also able to differentiate different forms of precipitation and detect lightning. Both will assist with Dr...
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