Home 2018 November

Monthly Archives: November 2018

I have noticed a growing number of companies offering to measure nutrient levels and then offering a personalized treatment approach to address deficiencies identified. For example, I was asked by a member of the public what I thought of...
The idea that there might be a link between smoking and nutrition is one that is probably not thought about very often. We do know that smokers typically have poorer diets than nonsmokers but to date no one has...
The notion that good nutrition is good for the brain is not a new idea. What is relatively new is that, until recently, there were very few well conducted studies examining whether a broad spectrum approach using doses of...
Geospatial technician, Paul Bealing, has spent countless hours constructing, calibrating, testing and fine tuning these customised drones in preparation for an epic trip to Antarctic waters. Paul will be joining Dr Wolfgang Rack as they participate in a fully...

It’s alive!

Welcome to the UC Science Blog! This is a new platform for academics, staff and students from the University of Canterbury’s College of Science to communicate their science. We aim to curate news and insights from our labs, field stations and beyond,...
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