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Tag: waterways

The transition from school to university can be hard: there are so many options to choose from, and decisions to be made on what to be. That's why we started the UC Science Summer Camp, for Year 12 students...
The Ōpāwaho (or Heathcote River) is one of two main rivers that weaves its way through Ōtautahi (Christchurch) on its way to the Avon Heathcote Estuary (Ihutai). Once a pristine lowland waterway, and an abundant source of food and...
Because of its natural environment, the Waiho river in Westland has been increasing in elevation since the mid 20th century. What risks does it present to the Franz Josef Glacier township nearby? Professor Tim Davies examines the geomorphological challenges presented by this unique Westland river.
Each year during the wet season, the Amazon river rises to create an internationally significant wetland, that's nearly three times the size of New Zealand. Professor Matthew Wilson shares a view from the field while studying the flow dynamics of the largest river in the world..
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