It’s really hard to play sports by yourself – but you don’t have to!

Do you ever find yourself wanting to play a game of something, but then find you don’t have enough people who can play, all at the same time?   Without a social sport league, it’s like herding cats!   The RecCentre has some solutions for you! 

  1. Try a drop-in session at the RecCentre 

These sessions are scheduled each week, and all you have to do is turn up.  If you’re the first to arrive, you can come to our reception and ask for the equipment you need, and get it started.  As people arrive, you’ll start to get enough to play. In Term 1, we have designated sessions for Futsal, Volleyball and Pickleball for anyone to join in. Bring a friend, or come alone and meet some new friends! 

2.  Shoot hoops and join a pickup game 

There’s a nice community of regular ballers down at the RecCentre, and you can often roll up and find yourself a pickup game with randoms.    

3. Enter a team in a social sport league or join UCASS 

If you want to play in a social sport league (We offer Netball, Basketball, Futsal and Volleyball), you can enter a team if you have one.    If you don’t have enough for a team every week, then consider joining the UC Amateur Sports Society.   UCASS are a fabulous lot, award winning even, who collaborate with us to run the social sport leagues, and they have a number of teams entered in every league we offer that they can probably slot you into. Chat to them at UC Clubs’ days this week. 

4.  Book a court and play with a friend 

Of course, if you have 1 friend you can rely on to have a go with you, you can always book a squash, badminton or pickleball court and have a bash.  All equipment is always free to borrow from reception, or you can bring your own. Court hire is free before 3pm daily, and after 3pm it’s not. You can book online (there’s a link in your app that will take you to the booking site), or you can just stop at reception to check availability and book there.    

Remember to keep moving for both your physical and mental health! Keep it fun, enjoyable and be consistent and you’ll be winning. 

Ngā mihi
UC Rec&Sport | Te Ratonga Hākinakina 

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