Kia mataara | Think First – and party safely

Celebrating the end of semester? Got a post-exams party planned? There are a few things you can do to look after yourself and those around you. 

Be sure to have a ‘Good One’ – register your party on Good One Party Register

Hosting a party can be a bit overwhelming. Having the Police notified means they can help as you plan, provide advice, and give you a call to ensure everyone is safe and having a good time. Find out more about how it works here. 

Benefits of registering with Good One 

  • Party knowing you have back-up if needed. 
  • Police will get rid of any unwanted guests to keep the good times rolling. 
  • Easy chats with Police as they know what’s up. 

Consider your community
Keep bottles in the bin and off the ground and turn the bass down a notch or two – your neighbours will thank you 😊   

Understand sexual consent
Sexual consent is a free and voluntary agreement to participate in sexual activity. Consent involves ongoing and mutual communication, where people can communicate their wants and their limits, and freely agree to doing things without feeling like they have to, or are being made to. Read more about sexual consent here> 

Secure your things and lock up your flat
Keep your valuable items hidden away, and double check you’ve locked your flat when you’re heading out. 

Good luck for exams, enjoy your mid-year break, and if you’re celebrating the end of semester, please take care and look after your mates.  

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