Category Archives: Our Community

Win a jar of Easter Eggs

Want to win a big jar of Easter Eggs for you and your flatties this Easter? We’ve got you!  All you have to do to enter is….guess how many eggs (and bunnies) are in the jar?  

Easter Egg Prize Jar

Where’s the jar? 

At the RecCentre! Yeah, you knew there was a catch.    

To enter you’ll need to:

  1. Pop down to the RecCentre and put in your guess 
  2. You’ll need to have a current membership (it’s free) to come through the gates, and then make your guess on the old school piece of paper 
  3. You can make one guess/entry every time you visit between now and Wednesday 27th March , 2024. 1 entry  per member, per visit, per day.    
  4. We’ll make the draw on Thursday 28th March, and we’ll give you a call to let you know to come and collect.  

Do you have to work out when you get here?
No, you don’t, hopefully you’ve walked, and that can be considered a ‘health walk’ in our books.  Not everything needs to be a sweat sesh to bring you health benefits after all! There’s even health benefits in chocolate, in moderation of course, which is why we suggest sharing your prize with your flatties (but you know, you do you!) 

 Joining the RecCentre is easy and it’s free! 

As a UC Student, part of your fees includes a student levy.  This levy goes towards a range of services on campus, including your RecCentre membership.  So yes, you can join any gym you like, but there’s no additional cost to join ours as well – having an option on campus may just make it easier to get in some exercise!   All group fitness classes are included in your membership, you can shoot hoops, do some bouldering, do some weights or cardio, or play some sport. We have a range of Discovery classes and sessions to help get you started as well. 

Good luck with the last couple of weeks, we know there’s a flurry of tests and essays to get through! See you soon!

Ngā mihi
Te Ratonga Hākinakina | UC Rec&Sport 


New working bee time added

Autumn brings more time in the māra (garden)!

As well as the regular Friday afternoon working bee, we are now also offering an extra working bee at UC’s community garden on Tuesday mornings from 10am – 12pm. Working bees run all year, including in the holidays.


Drop in for your weekly fix of gardening, fresh air, tea and chats. All volunteers get to take home a share of the fresh harvest. 🥕

Learn more about Te Ngaki o Waiutuutu | Waiutuutu Community Garden here. Follow us @waiutuutugarden on Instagram to learn about our upcoming events and workshops.

If you have any questions about the garden, get in touch with UC Community Gardens Coordinator, Jam, on 🌻

UCount Survey & Chance to Win $200 Pak’nSave voucher!

It’s time to participate in the annual course-taking student experience survey!

E pēhea ana tō noho ki UC? How’s your experience at UC going?

We’re interested in hearing about your experiences at Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury. The survey will take about 15-20 minutes to complete, with the option to save and come back. We use your feedback to adjust how we support students both now and in the future. Upon completion of the survey, you’ll automatically be entered to win a heap of exciting prizes!

To tell us what counts to you…

  • Take the survey via the link sent to your UC email inbox OR
  • Access using this link OR
  • Scan the QR code below.

(Note: you’ll need your UC Student ID and Usercode if you access via the URL/QR Code).

UCount 2024 QR Code

He aha te take o tēnei kaupapa? Why bother?

The results of the UCount are delivered across the University, so that support staff, teaching staff, and decision-makers alike are more aware of what it means to be a UC student and what needs to be put in place to ensure your success. This is important for making informed decisions that will affect students, just like you.

He aha te take o ngā puiaki? But what about the prizes?

By submitting your survey, you automatically go in the draw to win…

  • Grand Prizes (4 winners): $200 Pak’nSave supermarket voucher! 
    • Tip: submit your survey in the first week (by 9am on Monday 25 March), and get 3x the entries into the grand prize! 
  • Second Place Prizes (4 Winners): $50 Pak’nSave supermarket vouchers!
  • Weekly Spot Prizes:
    • Uni Pharmacy Vouchers
    • Ancestral Buy 1, Get 1 vouchers
    • University Book Shop vouchers and Penguin Classic books
    • UCSA Cafe and food outlet vouchers
    • and more! 

If you have any questions or concerns, please email the survey team at


Please note, the UCount survey is for all students in undergraduate programmes through taught postgraduate programmes.

If you are in a research masters or PhD/doctoral programme, you are not eligible to participate in the UCount but you’ll have a chance to have your say later in the year in the UC Postgraduate Experience Questionnaire!