Meeting Mushrooms in the Wild: 12 NZ species
For most of us, mushrooms are the most familiar type of fungi, but not all fungi produce mushrooms. Of the estimated 5 million species of fungi, about 14,000 produce mushrooms. New Zealand has a fascinating mix of native, endemic and introduced fungi. With a bit of practice, patience, and a sharp eye, these species are only a foray away.
Not another COVID eviction story – contested spaces in Christchurch Central City
Since 2019, a colony of Tarāpuka|black-billed gulls – not only critically endangered, but the most endangered gulls in the world - have taken up residence in the broken remains of an Armagh St. building left to ruins in the Christchurch CBD post-earthquakes. Current plans for the site are to develop a new Catholic Cathedral, and as such, the gulls...
Botany of the bizarre: the biology of the world’s strangest parasitic plant
The strange parasitic plant genus Rafflesia faces a number of conservation challenges, including habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation. Learning more about these rare species is a crucial step in informing the conservation management of Rafflesia.
New Zealand’s native conifers
One of my favourite groups of New Zealand plants are our native conifers. Most people don’t realise that we have 21 described species and two undescribed species. These are spread across ten genera in three of the six global conifer families. And on a land area basis we have far more native species than the UK or mainland Australia,...
A celebration of spiders
Happy Arachtober, the month of spiders! Dr Fiona Cross, or "Doctor Spider", introduces us to some cute jumping spiders commonly found in New Zealand.
What crawls beneath the surface?
Invertebrate life in New Zealand’s rivers and streams
We all know about the kiwi and the kākāpō,
but what iconic species are lurking beneath the surface of our rivers and
Freshwater invertebrates (animals without a backbone) are amazingly diverse: from taonga species such as kākahi (freshwater mussels) and kōura (crayfish), to insects, worms and snails.
Just as forests are home to different
animals than...
Surviving on the edge: why do penguins matter anyway?
Emperor penguins depend on sea ice for their survival. Arek Aspinwall describes the impact of global warming on this sensitive Antarctic habitat.
CAREX: a collaborative approach to waterway rehabilitation
there is considerable interest around the impacts that agriculture is having on
water quality. Nationwide the focus has been on highlighting the issues but
little attention has been paid to what the solutions might be.
The Canterbury Waterway Rehabilitation Experiment (CAREX)* is a stream restoration project that has focused on finding solutions. CAREX has been running since 2013, designing and trialling...
The seals of Antarctica – a Twitter story
Public science communication is fundamental to science today. I believe that as scientists we have a duty to communicate our research to the public. Mainly because the public must be able to understand the basics of science to make informed decisions – perhaps the most vivid example of the negative consequences of insufficient communication by scientists and/or the mistrust...
A good news story for World Ocean Day: The Ross Sea region MPA
The Southern Ocean south of the Antarctic Polar Front is managed by an international agreement analogous to the Antarctic Treaty, the Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR). This area accounts for 10% of the world’s oceans and includes some of the most pristine marine habitats on Earth. CCAMLR allows fishing but aims to balance conservation with rational...